Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proof that I make a difference in the world

So I wrote an open letter to the St Petersburg Times, challenging them to put good news on one of their front pages for two days in a row here is the letter I sent;

I've been reading your publication just shy of every day for the past five years and figured I'd throw my hat into your "opinion" column. I've read as people supported Obama, then McCain. Read about opinions on the bailouts, the economy, and most recently the PSC. I have no opinion on any of these topics as, unfortunately for us, we have no choice in the matter. What I have for you and your editors is a challenge. A challenge that will display just how much you truly care for your subscribing Bay area residents. The challenge is; Happiness. I have not picked up your publication without seeing some kind of dire news. The economy crumbling beneath us, rapists, corrupt state officials or yet another gay rights exchange. The only good news that does makes the front page (when there is any), comes in the form of the Rays making the World Series, or how many yards Earnest Graham notched against the Chiefs.

My challenge for the editors of the Times is simple; Put an uplifting story, photo, or acknowledgment on the front page of your publication for two days in a row. I understand you are an outlet of the news, and as such you must report the news as it arrives but perhaps for a few days we all need to see a little good in the world. People volunteering at shelters, a student making a difference..anything. And please if you cannot accommodate this by all means contact me. I'll do it free of charge. I'm not crazy and I'm not dillussional, I'm just a 25 year old wise enough to know that with the bad comes the good and with the greedy come the generous. I don't expect you to acknowledge this letter, let alone print it, but if you care about the people that read and subscribe to your newspaper you'll give them two days of something to look forward to. Thank you for your time.

On Wednesday November 19th, this editorial will appear on the front page of the Times "Tampa Bay" section;

"Brighten up, it could be worse" a Times editorial:

It's not easy for Floridians these days. There are mounting job losses, home foreclosures and empty storefronts. Property values are still dropping, and utility bills are rising. Universities are crowded, and theme parks and hotels are not.

Brighten up. It could be worse.

In California, thousands of homeowners have evacuated because of wildfires that have destroyed hundreds of homes. The Golden State also faces an $11-billion state budget deficit this year. Florida avoided being hit by major hurricanes this season. The Sunshine State's budget deficit is big — but not that big.

In Nebraska, legislators are in special session rewriting a safe haven law for children. They goofed by not setting an age limit, and nearly three dozen children — most older than 10 — have been dropped off at hospitals by parents or guardians. Florida didn't make that mistake; its safe haven law is limited to newborns up to 7 days old.

In Minnesota, a hand recount of nearly 3-million votes is expected in the unresolved U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Norman Coleman and Democrat Al Franken. Coleman leads at the moment by more than 200 votes, but there are charges of voter irregularities and unaccounted votes. That sounds all too familiar to Floridians who lived through the 2000 presidential recount.

So while these are tough times in Florida and the weather is a little chilly, look on the bright side. Floridians are not dealing with deadly wildfires, unfathomable state budget deficits, abandoned teens or another vote recount. The election's over, the holidays are approaching and there is no snow in the forecast. It could be worse.

I changed something..remember this day..REMEMBER

the link to the story is here

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